
Seung Hun Chung

Senior Software Engineer, Compilers at Untether AI

M. ASc, B. ASc, Computer Engineering, University of Toronto

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Resume PDF

I am currently working at Untether AI's compiler team, working on the front-end graph compiler to deploy models onto runAI200, an at-memory DL inference accelerator.

I completed my Master of Applied Science degree at the University of Toronto with Prof. Tarek Abdelrahman. My research was on compiler-generated FPGA OpenCL kernels for convolutional neural net layers (arXiv). Before that, I received my B. ASc. in computer engineering also at the University of Toronto.

Formerly employed at AMD Markham (Radeon Technologies Group) as a software engineering intern developing a component in Windows graphics drivers. A large majority of my tasks were related to reducing power consumption across different workloads through the driver and building infrastructure and tools for this purpose.

Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn!